Snow Spray Paint
Spray paint for snow involves only 3 supplies – a spray bottle, water and food coloring! You can use regular food coloring, however you may need to use close to the entire bottle in order to get a vibrant colors when you spray. Instead, we suggest using liquid concentrated food coloring. Add about 5 drops to your the water and shake up the bottle to evenly disperse it. Then start spraying! You can make rainbows or patterns in the snow too.
Snow “Cookie” Decorating
You can do this activity inside or outside, but if you do it inside, we suggest using an ice bucket to gather the snow before you bring it indoors! This activity is from Click here to see it!
Miniature Snowpeople
Since old snow isn’t the best for packing and making regular-sized snowpeople, make tiny versions! You can accessorize with tiny twigs, ribbons for scarves, or even use permanent marker to draw on their eyes and buttons! Reuse those food pouch caps or caps from other materials and make them into snowpeople hats. (photo: kirstenreese on