Over the years our incredibly talented teachers have put together a series of blogs to share some of their interest and ideas.

More blogs to come soon from Wildflowers!!!
Rebranding takes time and we are still very proud of all the work we did while named, the Well, for seven years.

Summertime Letter Hunt
Summertime and the living’s easy! But this worksheet might be a little bit of a challenge. Find the letter that all these common summertime objects start with! Click here or on the image above to print.

Summer Sensory Bins
Time to bring the sensory fun outside in the sun! We have three simple bins below, and the best part is that you may have all or most of the materials needed inside your home. There’s even one that’s taste-safe for babies! Digging for Worms Materials Needed: Coffee grounds (or real dirt!) Cooked spaghetti noodles Shallow bin Tongs or other tools to grab & dig for worms Jar to place found worms in! To Make & Play: Cook spaghetti noodles

Staying Cool With Hot Weather Fun: 5 Awesome (and Simple) Activities!
Hot weather is (finally!) here and it’s time to get outside! We’ve rounded up 5 creative ways to stay cool on days when temps are tropical: Car Wash! If your child’s Hot Wheels or Little Tikes cars need washing, this will get it done! Hook up the hose, grab some sponges and soap, and let the kids loose to scrub cars both big and small (use a tub to contain smaller toy vehicles). Water Paint Mural We have a large

Spring Scavenger Hunt
Congrats for getting through another winter! Relish in the signs up spring with this scavenger hunt. Yay for warmer weather! Click here for the printable list.

Spring Scavenger Hunt
Congrats for getting through another winter! Relish in the signs up spring with this scavenger hunt. Yay for warmer weather! Click here for the printable list.

Sort It For Planet Earth!
Help our planet by placing the items in the correct receptacle! Click here or on the image above to print. Answer Key: Garbage: fish bones, tea bag Recycling: aluminum can, newspaper Compost: banana peel, coffee grounds